Relationships and Sexuality

Are you looking for a couples therapist or help with intimacy or sexuality?

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Relationships and Sexuality

Relationships and sexuality are a key part of our lives, but we often encounter challenges within them. Whether you're dealing with partnership issues, trying to overcome a complicated breakup, or need support concerning sexuality or LGBTQIA+ topics, our experts are here for you.

At ksebe, you'll find psychologists specialized in various aspects of relationships and sexuality. They will help you build healthy intimacy and relationship ties, improve partner communication, solve relationship problems, or overcome a breakup. They also support you in matters related to sexuality, sexual disorders, and LGBTQIA+ topics, including ally support. If you're struggling with co-dependency, they can provide expert assistance in this area too.

It doesn't matter whether you're single, in a partnership, or going through a difficult phase in a relationship. Our psychologists will provide a safe space for you to explore your feelings and find a path to happier and more fulfilling relationships.

Choose a professional who best suits your needs and take the first step to better understanding yourself and your relationships. Together, you can work on building healthier relationships and discovering your authentic sexuality.

  • Polyamória
  • Intimita
  • Komplikovaný rozchod
  • LGBTQIA+ ally
  • Párové poradenstvo
  • Partnerská komunikácia
  • Partnerské vzťahy
  • Problémy vo vzťahoch
  • Rozchod
  • Sexualita
  • Sexuálne poruchy
  • Spoluzávislosť
  • Vzťahová väzba
  • Vzťahy

Experts on this topic

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ksebe s.r.o., Komárnická 16955/11 821 03 Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov, Slovensko
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